Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2022

My fourteenth book - No Evidence

This book is my second book about police subjects.

The draft of this book has been saved since 2019. I confess the current story isn't the same as the draft, but the main subject was kept.

Picture from Francesco Ungaro on Pexels

The story is about Paul, a detective in charge of homicide and suicide investigation. During the investigations, he meets the chief of the coroners, Claude.

Imagen de Cottonbro en Pexels

Claude told him that something could be happening. He was not sure all these crimes were suicides, and he was considering the possibility of being homicides.

The theory seemed strange to Paul. However, he decided to investigate with Claude. And this investigation led them to more questions and unexpected answers...

The book has been published on October 02nd, 2022.

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