Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







quinta-feira, 30 de março de 2023

My seventeenth book — The Poetry of the Work Volume II

This book is the second one with poems related to situations in the workplace. I tried to express feelings and situations that I'm sure everyone has already faced, at minimum one of them.

Like in the previous book of the series, I wrote with a standard. All poems are composed of five stanzas with three verses. In most poems, all verses rhyme in the stanza.

One more time, I used my new method of translating. I didn't translate literally, I translated by the meaning. This is very useful for better rhymes.

Picture from Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

At the beginning of the book, I made it clear the book is not based on my personal experiences. All I've written are thoughts, and they are based on many things I heard, read, and learned about the workplace.

This time, you'll notice a different tone in the poems. The first book is more fun and relaxed, but this one has some subjects more serious, like misogyny, racial prejudice, sickness, etc.

Picture from Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I hope you enjoy this new collection.

In 2024, this book was joined with The Poetry of the Work Volume I, creating a new book, Work & Soul: Poems About Professional Life.

The book has been published on April 10th, 2024.

See the book in your favorite store:

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