Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2024

My Twenty-second Book — Stories of Faith: Discover the Power of the Faith

This book has a very special meaning for me. It’s my return to Christian short stories, after a year and a half since my last book in this genre (Christian Short Storiesvol. II).

Unlike the previous ones, this work has new features. The first one I’d like to mention is my writing style. AI tools have fueled my prose, making it smoother, and richer with figures of speech and informal touches, all while improving grammar and punctuation.

Furthermore, I improved my knowledge by studying, training, competing (writing contests), etc. All these efforts enriched the level of my work.

Imagem from Starline on Freepik

Writing Process

This book is the first one I totally wrote in English. It was hard, but deeply rewarding to push my linguistic boundaries.

Image from Alvaro Cabrera on Freepik

Writing in English is extremely useful to speed up my process. I’ve already noticed that when I write in a foreign language, I write better, and my text has fewer mistakes.

Moreover, I revise the text in a “reverse translation” in Portuguese in Google Translator. These steps save me numerous hours. I check if it’s well-written and got my Portuguese version at once. After that, I translate it into Spanish directly from English.

Another piece of news in this book is using Portuguese names with accents, tildes, and other things that most English speakers have never seen. I did it because I suppose this makes my text more original, adding a touch of Brazilian authenticity.

Image from site mimicmethod

For the first time, I’ve used a thesaurus for a non-poetry book. This is an influence of AI tool revisions. All of them indicated I repeated the words, and this forced me to seek alternatives. My long-term companion RhymeZone and AI tools helped me find new words and expressions.

About the Book

I wrote five stories related to faith, and each one of them will give you a unique perspective on feelings, points of view, and personal relationships with God and religion.

Five stories, five perspectives:

André is a patient facing a terrible disease but relies on God’s action.

Simone is a missionary living far from home but closer to many problems in her mission.

José, a drunk and hopeless man, crosses the path of Henrique, a hopeful pastor.

Fernanda is a woman struggling with hardships to keep her faith.

A church wants to use technology to get better results in its community.

Dive into these Stories of Faith!

Release date: February 07th, 2024.

Find out the book on your favorite store:

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