Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2021

My ninth book - Behaviours

Finally, we arrived at my last published book (so far), Behaviours. This book has a different proposal from the others. It's my first short storybook. Until now, I have written poems and novels. But now, I tried a new thing.

Picture from Pixabay on Pexels

In the beginning, it was hard to write short stories (Why? Aren't you a writer?). Short stories are a different world. The things need to be quick and brief. I couldn't write a long story.

PIcture from Mohamed Almari on Pexels

However, I couldn't write a very short story, without details, emotions, and everything else.

Picture from jinjireh on Pexels

I had to find a balance between long and short, between quick and slow. After the first pages, I got.

Picture from Shiva Smyth on Pexels

The book has five stories:

The life of my dreams - Two young homeless boys suddenly get everything they dreamed for their lives.

The judgment of humanity - The people of the Earth are judged because of what everyone does.

Two lives - Two pregnant women face different sides of the pregnancy. One of them dreamed about that moment. But to the other, everything is a nightmare.

Limitless - A boy had no limits in his actions, and that led him to a terrible path.

No support - A very smart girl at school has no support from her parents. Only his friends support and admire her.

I tried to write about things that could happen to everyone. And everything is related to human behaviors in these situations.

The book was published on: October 28th, 2021

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