Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2021

My fourth book - Approved for Life

This book was the first one that I wrote in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

In the beginning, I had many doubts about whether I really could do this. I thought: “I'm not a native English speaker, neither a fluent speaker. Probably I will give up when things get hard”.

Picture from Lucas Pezeta on Pexels

I began to write, and little by little, I noticed that I could translate it into English. It was the first time that I tried something like that. At this time, I still hadn't published anything in English. I felt I had to take this step. I had to try becoming a three language writer. One time I heard: “If you want to get great things, you have to do things the people don't do”. Then I did it.

Picture from Анна Рыжкова(Anna Ryzhkova) on Pexels

To help with the writing I used the following sites:

Oxford Learner's Dictionary

Grammarly (text revision)

Google Translator (words and expressions I didn't know)

These sites have helped me since that time.

Now, let's talk about the book. The book is about a man in the public service of Brazil. He only wants to have a stable job, without any concerns, with a good wage and gratifications.

He began to work as a sportive coach for Betim's city administration, in a poor neighborhood. There, he faces many challenges and discovers too many bad things about public service. (I'm sorry, but I can't give you many details. If not, you won't read the book.) The book has a different idea from other stories about sports coaches and pupils.

Picture from cottonbro on Pexels

The book was published on August 17th, 2020.

Find out the book on your favorite store:

Update: February, 24th, 2022

I made some updates and improvements to this book.

I revised the translation, and I included the physical characteristics of the characters. Now each one of them has skin, hair and eye color, hairstyle, and information about their physical shapes.

Besides that, I made a new cover for the book. I think this new cover is better than the previous one.

Soon, I'll explain why I made the revision...

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