Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2021

My third book - Poetry and Life (Life Through the Words)

The poems were written between 2019 and 2020. These were the first poems that I wrote after a long time without writing poems.

In the beginning, I didn't think to gather them in a book. I wrote the poems and sent them to some people on WhatsApp.

The subjects are very diverse. However, most of them are about personal life. About situations and solutions. About thoughts and feelings. I tried to express feelings and perceptions about things.

I had many good replies. People said the poems made them reflect and think about the subject. With this kind of reply, I was satisfied, my mission as a writer had been accomplished.

Picture from Djordje Petrovic on Pexels

Some poems are about things I lived and learned. I poetically expressed my experiences to show other people there is something to learn in all situations. And the most important thing, God is with us all the time

Picture from The mountaineer

The poems have some metrics. Most of them have five stanzas.  And all have long verses. They are like short poetic stories, with a beginning, middle and end. Some of them finish with a reflection or advice.

The book has been published on the following dates:

Portuguese and Spanish: April 04th, 2020

English: January 1st, 2021

Update April 10th, 2022

Continuing my revision to publish on other platforms, I updated this book. This time, I changed virtually everything. I changed the title, cover, and description.

Why did you do it?

To be sincere, I noticed the previous title "Poetry and Life" didn't make sense. The book wasn't a poetry book, it was a book with some reflections about life, and these reflections had a bit of poetry. Then, I decided to change the title for Life through the words.

Besides that, I removed some poems from the book. I made it because I understood these poems were not according to the book's purpose.

I hope these changes help to sell more.

Life through the words

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