Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua

Idioma / Lengua / Language / Sprache / Langue / Lingua







terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2021

My Second Book - Christian Poetry Volume I

The poems of the book were written originally between 2013 and 2014. This moment represents a very interesting part of my life.

At that time, I was already an evangelical Christian, attended a church, talked to many evangelicals, and watched videos of some preachers.

Picture from Cottonbro on Pexels

I noticed many things in the Christian churches that didn’t seem right to preach and teach.

I thought: “Every Christian teaching comes from the Bible. If I want to know who is right, I have to read it.”

I began to read the Bible in 2013. I used the time in my commute (I was going by bus) to read. I kept this reading routine even on days when I wasn’t working.

Picture from Covenanter Books

Some months later, I finished the reading. I could understand many things. I wasn’t satisfied with that reading, I wanted more. Then, I read again, and again, and again. Today, I think I’ve already read the Bible more than ten times.

Every time I read, I learned new things, and I saw new details. And God reveals himself to me. Each thing I thought to be interesting, I wrote down.

Picture from Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels

Besides reading, I also listened to the Bible. I needed to continue the “reading” when I couldn’t stop to read.

Picture from Sound On on Pexels

I don't remember when and why I began to write the poems. I just started and wrote almost four hundred. The subjects are very diverse. I wrote about biblical texts, Christian life, biblical teachings, criticism of church and leaders, Christian behaviors, biblical narratives, personal life, etc.

At that time, I almost didn’t share the poems, I just wrote. I created another blog (Nova Poesia Cristã (formerly Poesias para Deus[Poetries to God]), New Christian Poetry[Released in English in 2022]), but I only shared a few poems in 2014 and stopped this work.

After some time studying Spanish, I started reading the Bible to improve my language skills. After that, I began to listen to test them. I noticed that I could read or listen and understand everything.

Imagen de Luis Quintero en Pexels

In 2019, after publishing my first book, I decided to publish a book about Christian poems. I divided the poems into smaller books. I revised the text and translated it into Spanish.

In addition to the websites, the translation into Spanish had the collaboration and revision of my friend Rodrigo Belmar Cruz.

Still, in 2019, I began to read the Bible in English. I noticed that I could understand, and after some months, I began to listen to it. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, but I hung on there.

After I got a lot of knowledge about biblical words and expressions in English, I translated the book. The books were published on the following dates:

Portuguese: February 24th, 2020

Spanish:  February 24th, 2020

English: November 15th, 2020

The cross on the book cover was based on words related to God, the Bible, and Christianity. In the second book of the series, Christian Poetry Volume II, I used some logic to set the words of the cross (soon, I’ll tell you what is).

Words of the cross:


Christ (keyword)


Eternal life

Faith (keyword)




God (keyword)

Grace (Extra on English cover)



Holy Spirit (keyword)


Jesus (keyword)



Lord (keyword)


New life


Poetry (keyword)












This is the story of my second book. I hope you enjoyed it.

The book has been published on 

Find out the book on your favorite store:

P.S.: The Spanish version was the first printed book that I sold.

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